The principal emergency services and related organisations in Ireland met with the Road Safety Authority (RSA) to discuss the development of a common driving standard for all emergency services personnel.
Emergency Services Driving Standard ( ESDS) working panel is made up of a vast array of personnel from The RSA, Civil Defence, The Irish Coast Guard, The Defence Forces, An Garda Síochána, Health Service Executive National Ambulance Service, The Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council, National Directorate for Fire and Emergency Management, The Chief Fire Officer’s Association and The Irish Prison Service.
The idea is that the collective group will come up with a standard for emergency vehicle drivers and work towards putting it into practice. So far it has developed a three level approach that will suit the contrasting needs of the different organisations.
The three levels are referred to as Emergency Services Driving Standard (ESDS) Levels 1, 2 and 3. It is hoped by creating a uniformed approach lives can be saved and casualties reduced on Irish roads as all emergency service drivers develop an understanding of their presence on the roads.
“The Emergency Services Driving Standard aims to develop and sustain a spirit of cooperation, caution and courtesy in emergency service drivers. Emergency service drivers should aim to achieve an excellent standard of driving that acts as an example to other road users.”
The aim is to benefit emergency services drivers and other road users by reducing the particular risks associated with the driving of emergency service vehicles making sure that patients and passengers are safe and comfortable, and cultivating the attitude that responding to an emergency should never involve actions which could lead to the death or injury of any person.
It will focus driver competence on knowledge – driving laws, rules and vehicle operation, control of the vehicle, control in traffic situations, recognising, managing and avoiding risks, driving professionally and emergency response driving.
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