Trumps Doonbeg course still on track

Donald Trumps Doonbeg golf course has been hit by a series of setbacks this year. Tidal waves and microscopic snails have meant the planned development was halted before if even began back in Febuary. Trumps had bought the site for fifteen million but within two weeks had been a stop work order by Clare County Council. They were responding to reports that unauthorised work was being carried out to lesson coastal erosion.
The developers had been acting in response to the thirty feet tidal waves that had hit the coast causing loss of the 14th hole. However their attempts at preventing further damage by bringing in trucks of rock armour didn\’t meet the original planning permission granted specifically the protection of an endangered microscopic snail.
The snail in question is known as the narrow-mouth whorl snail or angustior vertigo and is thought to be around since the Ice Age. It habitats in sand dunes on the resort and is protected in Ireland. Since then temporary measure have been put in place by the resort to create a natural barrier to the sea\’s damage including the planting of marram grass and interim sand trap fences.
Manager of the renamed Trump International Golf Links, Joe Russell, says a meeting will be held in the coming weeks between the Local Council and hotel representatives to discuss revised coastal erosion measures. Meantime Martin Hawtree, British golf designer has been drawing up new designs for the damaged holes and Mr Russell remain optimistic that the course will be done in time for the Summer season.
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