Helmet camera capturing the real action

Fire-fighters in America have developed a new way to investigate suspicious fires and their causes, by introducing portable Helmet camera\’s. The devise is small in size, about the same as a small flashlight and can be turn on by the touch a button. While not official issued equipment yet, nevertheless the past year has seen an increase in firemen choosing to wear them themselves.
Twenty-three year old lieutenant, John Shipps is one such fireman, choosing to put $200 of his own money towards the camera. The camera has been specifically designed for firemen and is heat resistant in order to survive the conditions that they undertake. The images that it picks up can be used to source the starting point of a fire by observing the direction the fire travels in and the condition of the smoke.
Chief Ray Finnell also believes it has a training purpose. Re-watching the footage allows for a learning experience where actions can be critiqued and they can see if anything needs to be improved upon. He\’s witnessed a dozen Fire-fighters wearing these camera in Buck county alone in the past years and it\’s a trend that looks to continue.
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