Discovery of Bombs down from last year

The Army Bomb Disposal team has been called out 50 times this year so far but for the same period last year the figure was 84. That\’s 34 fewer than last years figures.
22 of the call outs this year were for Viable improvised explosive devices (IED\’s) which is down 6 from last year and the main area is the Dublin region with it being responsible for 24 of the callouts.
The Bomb Disposal team handles a wide range of callouts. Unstable chemicals, the disposal of munition such as old grenades found by members of the public and hoaxes devices are just a few of what they deal with.
Their most recent call-out was on April 20th for an IED discovered in Jobstown, Tallaght. It had been discovered by a member of the public outside a house in the area. The Gardai alerted The Army Bomb Disposal team who made the devise safe and took it away for further examination.
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