National Ambulance Service Introduced 91 New Vehicles Into Its Services During 2017

The HSE National Ambulance Service (NAS) introduced 91 new vehicles into its services during 2017. This was enabled by a capital spend of €14.5 m.
The vehicles, along with equipment for each one, include:
- 55 Emergency Ambulances
- 7 Intermediate Care Vehicles
- 25 Rapid Response Vehicles (cars/jeeps)
- 2 Critical Care Ambulances (containing enhanced medical equipment for critically ill patients)
- 2 Driver Training Units
Fifty-five new emergency ambulances are in service across the country with five having been assigned to Dublin Fire Brigade.
NAS recently won an ESAI sustainable energy award for the energy efficiency of the new vehicles, which include solar panels and other energy saving features.
Martin Dunne, Director of the HSE National Ambulance Service said:
‘These new vehicles will greatly reduce our carbon footprint as well as providing enhanced care to our patients. A number of these new vehicles are already in service. The public can see these vehicles in Dublin and throughout the country as they are rolled out to replace existing NAS fleet. They have solar panels on each vehicle as well as a number of other energy efficient features. This has all been made possible through funding form the HSE National Service Planning process.’
NAS operates a fleet of 500 vehicles from over 100 locations across the country, which travel in excess of 20 million kilometres per annum (total kms for the fleet in one year).
The Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD welcomed the introduction of the new vehicles.
He said:
\’I am delighted that this investment in the fleet will improve our ambulance service. I also want to commend the National Ambulance Service for achieving recognition for their work in the use of green technologies. A significant reform programme has been underway in the National Ambulance Service over recent years. This initiative is yet another example of the ongoing work to deliver a safe and responsive service which strives for high performance and efficiency whilst coping with a continuously increasing demand for services.\’
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