Minister announces a public consultation for the future management and preservation of the Curragh Plains

Mr. Simon Coveney, T.D., Minister for Defence and Minister for Foreign Affairs yesterday announced (March 2021) the launch of a public consultation process seeking views on the best way to preserve and manage the Curragh Plains.
Kildare County Council in collaboration with the Department of Defence have jointly procured the services of a multi-disciplinary team, led by Paul Hogarth consultants, to develop a Conservation Management Plan and Interpretation/Branding Strategy for the Plains.
The Curragh Plains, consisting of approx. 5,000 acres of grasslands, is one of the most unique landscapes in Ireland. The Minster stated that he was fully appreciative of the complexity involved in managing this landscape, not just in terms of its environmental and archaeological significance, but also its ongoing and historical association with the Defence Forces, the Horse Racing Industry and the local farming community.
The Minister acknowledged that the Curragh Plains is a matter of great pride to the people of Kildare. The Minister is keen to emphasise that “the successful delivery of a future Conservation and Management Plan for the Plains will be largely dependent on active participation by those stakeholders with an interest in the Curragh Plains.”.
The consultation process commences on the 15 March 2021 and can be accessed on This process forms the first phase of a consultation process which will ultimately see the development of a strategy for the ongoing use and future management of the Plains.
The Minster stressed that “It is important that for anyone with any interest in this project that they engage in the process from the outset and share their opinions and views. This represents a unique opportunity to determine on how best this important landscape be managed into the future.”
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