Coronavirus, widely known by its official name COVID-19, has swooped the entire world by its feet. While we have witnessed pandemic attacks since the inception of the human race, this novel virus has gone two steps ahead in disrupting daily lives bringing down the whole world into a lockdown state. As per the World Health Organization (WHO) Research, COVID-19 virus is essentially transmitted between bodies through respiratory droplets and contact routes.
COVID-19 Shaping the Future of Technology?
Even a single affected person can transmit the virus to thousands and thousands of others. Considering such a critical nature of the virus, countries have come together as a single entity to fight this black swan crisis. As a solution, people are requested to stay at home and practice self-quarantine. But, with this approach, offices and factories are completely restricted to any employee footfall. So the prime question that arises is, how organizations can support business continuity? What happens to economic development? And, what would be the impact on technology in future?
To understand the impact of the Covid-19 Crisis on economy and technology on the whole, we have done some basic research and curated possible outcomes. How could Covid-19 impact on present and upcoming technology?
Work desks will be transformed into mobile stations: Working from home might have some drawbacks, but it also has attractive benefits that companies might not want to overlook. When teams and operations are aligned in a way to perform as individual assets of the company, they can result in a cost-saving option. Enforcing employees with remote working options will help companies save cost on the commute and infrastructure.
Considering the advancement in modern tools and technologies that facilitate digital performance at ace level, multiple people can be connected through a single screen resulting in seamless coordination. Considering these typical features, remote working is definitely a blessing in disguise.
AI, machine learning will be using more natural instincts: Disasters and unwanted occurrences give birth to cognitive behavior. And, cognitive behavior further results into scientific developments. Same would be the case with technologies like ERP, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. With people becoming more aware and learned about the inevitability of unprecedented situations like Covid-19, as a consumer, they would expect sustainability as a primary clause of the decision making process.
Companies would therefore be expected to develop more intimate solutions when it comes serving its audiences. AI and ML would be designed to function in a way that it acts precisely intimate in conjunction with the decision-making process of consumers.
Supply chain management will be digitised: As per the McKinsey & Company Insights, the next generation digital supply chain will enable organisations to perform faster. It will empower businesses with more granular, accurate and efficient approaches to sustain and scale. Supply chain 4.0 digitises the end-to-end performance management right from order to delivery.
Feedback on the process and forecast of multiple parameters could be envisaged online. Moreover, integration with third-party tools will simplify eclectic business operations minimising the investment in terms of time and efforts.
Pandemics like Covid-19 have been around more than 100 years. But, the disruption caused by them is humongous. Right from the day-to-day operations to global economy management, everything gets dismantled. As a consequence, poverty, infrastructure development, business development, financial stability and employment gets deeply imprinted into the society.
Although such things are beyond control, steps to be prepared well ahead of time may mitigate the effect. Pandemics are usually transmitted through any kind of physical contact and when isolations are practiced, daily operations get hampered. In such a scenario, undergoing digital transformation is the best possible solution to continue evolving. Future of technology in the coming days would be aligned to the similar concept. It will facilitate remote working and promote every aspect of business to act as an independently profitable asset.
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