Dublin Fire Brigade Emergency Ambulance Service

Patricia King, Vice President, SIPTU and Shay Cody, General Secretary, IMPACT met with Owen Keegan, Chief Executive Dublin City Council and Brendan Kenny, Assistant Chief Executive DCC on Friday, 6 March 2015.
At the meeting the management side confirmed agreement between all parties on the following principles:
The Control Centre Reconfiguration Project, as recommended in the HIQA Report, and including integrated emergency ambulance call taking and dispatch will be pursued;
Dublin Fire Brigade will continue to be fully involved in emergency ambulance service delivery as part of this reconfiguration project;
There will be no diminution in emergency ambulance service delivery to the population of the Region.
It was agreed that a Joint Forum within Dublin City Council, inclusive of Management and SIPTU and IMPACT representatives, will be established under an independent chair, Mr Stephen Brady, former Dublin Chief Fire Officer. All matters arising from this reconfiguration project will be addressed in this Forum.

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