Donegal Fire Service urge caution after multi-fuel stove fires

The potential for a fire in the home could be avoided by following several common sense, practical steps, particularly when installing and maintaining multi fuel stoves.
Donegal Fire Service has noticed a rise in fires involving multi-fuel stoves in domestic dwellings. Some of these were serious and caused significant fire damage to the structure of the dwellings. This may be down to inappropriate installation or lack of maintenance.
In particular this is the case with respect to retro fitting of these heating appliances to existing homes where metal flues or similar are fitted to run through existing construction or are enclosed in timber stud and plasterboard construction. A minimum separation distance must be maintained from the flue to any combustible construction, to prevent ignition through radiant heat.
If you intend to have a stove installed, please ensure that you employ a competent person and that the appliance is installed in accordance with Technical Guidance Document Part J of the Building Regulations. These regulations also require that carbon monoxide detectors are provided in the room where the appliance is situated and in any room in which the flue passes through.
If your stove is used every day, the flue or chimney may need to be cleaned more than once a year depending on the type of fuel burned. A competent person should be employed to ensure that this is done properly as a build up of soot particles is a common cause of chimney/flue fires.
If you need further assistance you can call the Donegal Fire Service, High Road, Letterkenny, Co Donegal. Tel: (074) 91 21676 or e-mail:
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