Coast Guard Helicopter Currently Not Licensed to Land at New National Children’s Hospital

The Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD has confirmed recently that an Irish Coast Guard Sikorsky S-92 helicopter will not be permitted to land on the elevated helipad at the new national children’s hospital under the current procedure in place. Mr Harris said “The Sikorsky S-92 rescue helicopters are not licenced to land on helipads”.
This means that any coast guard helicopter that is carrying a patient transporting to the St. James campus will have to land at the Royal Hospital in Kilmainham and the patient will be have to be transferred by ambulance.
Mr. Harris told a committee meeting that ‘the majority of patient transfers to the existing three Dublin children’s hospitals are completed by road.’
The Irish Air Corps AW139 MediVac helicopter is licensed to make landings on elevated helipads and will continue to do so. A ground helipad was denied at the sight because of the required clearance to install one as well ask the awkward flight path for landings.
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