Communities asked to Light up for Road Safety on World Remembrance Day

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Council buildings across Ireland will ‘light up for road safety’ as part of this year’s ‘World Remembrance Day for Road Traffic Victims’ on Sunday 15th November.

Local Authority Road Safety Officers are asking the public to get involved and ‘light up’ or ‘shine a light’ to remember road traffic collision victims, survivors, their families and those on the frontline who respond to collisions.

Members of the public, businesses and other organisations are being asked to join in and shine a light in their window on the evening of Sunday 15th November between 7pm and 8pm to remember those in their community who have died on the roads. 

Every year road traffic collision victims are remembered on the third Sunday in November and this year, with everything else going on in the world, road safety stakeholders are not forgetting those who have died on the roads. With an increase in people out walking, cycling and going from place to place, road safety is more important now more than ever before and road safety officers are asking the public to join them to ‘light up’ and shine a light for road safety and remember those who have died or were injured on the roads.

Cathaoirleach of Donegal County Council Rena Donaghey said  “Too many people have lost their lives in road traffic collisions in Donegal and families have had to live with the consequences of collisions. We also wish to acknowledge on this day the emergency services for their role in saving lives and to reflect on the impact of road deaths on families and communities.  I would ask families in Donegal to join us and ‘light up for road safety’ by shining a light or burning a candle in your windows from 7.00pm – 8.00pm on Sunday 15thNovember”,

Brian O’Donnell, Donegal County Council’s Road Safety Officer said: “Families who have lost loved ones involved in collisions will never forget them. This day is an opportunity annually, for everyone to remember victims and to think of the consequences associated with a collision. Organisers are hoping the public and business sector will get involved and support this year’s event by lighting up for road safety.”

Gardaí, firefighters and paramedics respond to collisions every day and witness first-hand, the consequences of a collision. Garda, fire and ambulance stations will also shine a light as emergency vehicles will turn on their blue lights outside respective stations for a period between 7pm and 8pm. 

Inspector Michael Harrison said “Everyone living in Donegal is well aware of the misery associated with a fatality as a result of a road traffic collision. Every person who dies leaves a survivor who will mourn their death. Support for the ‘Light up for Road Safety’ campaign on World Remembrance day for Road Traffic Victims is important to show the survivors that we have not forgotten their loved ones”.

On this important day, bereaved families and the seriously injured come together to acknowledge the terrible toll of road deaths and injuries and to show our thanks for the work of the emergency services.

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