The COVID Tracker App is Available to Download

The Covid Tracker app will help in the fight against coronavirus. Download the COVID Tracker app HERE.
We’ll protect your privacy, and you’ll help us protect everyone. Stay safe. Protect each other.
COVID Tracker is a free and easy-to-use mobile phone app that can:
- alert you if you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus
How the COVID Tracker app works
COVID Tracker is a free app for your mobile phone. It will help us to protect each other and slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). The COVID Tracker app uses a number of technologies to help to speed up contact tracing in Ireland.
If you use the app you will:
- be told if you have been in close contact with another app user who has tested positive for coronavirus
- be able to track any symptoms you have and get advice on what to do
- be able to anonymously warn close contacts if you test positive for coronavirus
- make contact tracing quicker for the health service
- help map and predict the spread of the virus
Why use the COVID Tracker app
COVID Tracker is a free and easy-to-use mobile phone app that can:
- alert you if you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus
- advise you on what to do to protect yourself and others
- alert other app users that you were in close contact with, if you test positive for coronavirus
- advise you on what to do to protect yourself and others
- alert other app users that you were in close contact with, if you test positive for coronavirus
How the app protects you and others:
Speeds up contact tracing

Contact tracing identifies people who may be at risk from coronavirus because they were in close contact with someone who has the virus. If the contact tracing team identify you as a close contact, they can advise you on what action to take to protect yourself and others.
The app will help our existing contact tracing operation by:
- reducing the time it takes to alert you if you\’re a close contact to 3 hours
- alerting contacts that you might have forgotten you met up with
- enabling us to contact people who are unknown to each other
Contact tracing is a vital part of slowing the spread of the virus. The more people that download and use the app, the more it will help contact tracing. Read more about how the app works
Alerts you to close contacts

If the app finds that you have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for coronavirus, you will get an app alert.
You won\’t know who the contact is or where the contact happened. You\’ll just know that you were close enough (within 2 metres) for long enough (more than 15 minutes), for there to be a risk that you could have been exposed to the virus.
The alert will advise you to:
- restrict your movements for 14 days or self-isolate if you have symptoms
- get tested for coronavirus if appropriate
The alert will appear as a notification on your phone. It will also pop up within the app. This is to make sure that you see it.
You\’ll be asked if you want to receive close contact alerts when you first set up the app.
Optional follow-up call

You may decide you want a phone call as well as an app alert, if the app finds you are close contact. You can change this setting at any time.
If you share your number and become a close contact of someone who has the virus, our contact tracing team will call you. They will give you advice and arrange a coronavirus test for you.
If you choose not to share your number with us the app will provide you with:
- text information on what to do next
- a number to call so that you can arrange to have a test for coronavirus
You will still be contacted by our contact tracing team if someone who has tested positive for coronavirus identifies you as a close contact and provides your phone number.
Keeps others safe if you test positive

If you test positive for coronavirus, you can use the app to alert anyone you have been in close contact with.
Our contact tracing team will phone you if you test positive.
They will ask you to identify all your close contacts, including those who do not have the app. They will also ask you if you have the app.
If you have the app, they will ask you to upload the anonymous IDs that your phone has shared for the last 14 days. You do this using the app. It\’s your choice if you want to do this.
If you agree, the contact tracing team will send you a unique upload code by text message. This code unlocks the upload functionality on the app.
Only the HSE can issue upload codes if someone tests positive. People who do not have the virus will not be able to use this function on the app.
Tracks your symptoms

You can use the COVID check-in function to:
- track how you are feeling each day
- find out if you have symptoms of coronavirus
- get advice quickly on what to do
Any health information you share on the app is anonymous.
Logging your symptoms each day can:
- help you remember when you first became unwell
- be a useful reminder if you need to later speak with your GP
- get trusted advice quickly
- help the HSE map and predict the spread of the virus
Read more about the COVID Check-in function
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