Terms of Reference for a Strategic Review of General Practice Published

Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly has published the Terms of Reference (ToR) for a Strategic Review of General Practice (GP). The Review is to be completed this year.
The Strategic Review, with input from key stakeholders, will identify the challenges facing General Practice in delivering a sustainable service into the future, and set out the actions necessary to address those challenges in the context of delivering on the principles of Sláintecare. It will draw on the expertise of the HSE and General Practice, including through consultation with the Irish College of General Practitioners (ICGP) and the Irish Medical Organisation (IMO).
The Minister has also invited three practising GPs to participate in the Department of Health project group overseeing the Review to ensure that GPs\’ voices are heard directly throughout the process.
The Terms of Reference define the scope and methodology for the Review, and set out the core issues to be examined, including GP capacity issues, GP training, Out of Hours reform and the support model for General Practice.
Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly said, \”the government is committed to achieving universal healthcare, where people can access the right care in the right place at the right time. A Strategic Review of General Practice is necessary to ensure that General Practice is properly structured and resourced to help with our reform agenda. I am delighted to publish the Terms of Reference which form the basis for this Review and look forward to receiving its recommendations for ensuring a sustainable model of General Practice that will benefit both patients and GPs.\”
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