Status Orange Wind Warning For Southern And Western Coastal Counties

A deepening depression known as Storm Brian will cause heavy winds across southern and western coastal counties in Ireland tonight.
Orange level wind warnings for coasts of Mayo, Galway, Clare, Kerry, Cork, Waterford and Wexford is valid from tonight (Friday) at 22:00 until tomorrow (Saturday) at 22:00 with gusts of up to 130km/h.
Yellow wind warnings are in effect countrywide with gusts of up to 110km/h.
Speaking to the Emergency Services about what we can expect from Storm Brian, Joan Blackburn of Met Éireann said:
“It’s going to be an extremely windy period. It’s not an ex hurricane, it’s an Atlantic depression. It’s going to be very windy later on tonight and through to tomorrow in different parts of the country at different times.
“We have a status Orange wind warning. The strongest winds are likely to be around the coastal parts of Mayo down to Waterford. Here you will see winds gusting up from mean speeds of 65km/h right up to 110/120km/h.
“One thing people need to bear in mind is that those winds could cause damage of their own but aswell as that, some structure\’s could still be weakened by the storm earlier this week so there is certainly some danger involved today and tomorrow.”
Status Orange Wind Warning for MO, G, CE, KY, C, W and WX, Status Yellow elsewhere, valid Fri 22:00 until Sat 22:00
— Met Éireann (@MetEireann) October 20, 2017
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