Government Approves Defence Forces Participation in EU Battlegroup 2024/2025

The Government approved the participation by the Defence Forces in a German-led EU Battlegroup in 2024/2025. This will be the eighth occasion on which the Defence Forces have been part of an EU Battlegroup and the first since 2020.
The EU Battlegroup 2025, with a strength of 2,000 personnel, is a two-year commitment and will commence on 01 January 2024 and conclude on 31 December 2025. The Battlegroup will be on standby for the entirety of 2025.
Speaking after the Government confirmed its approval for the Defence Forces’ participation, the Tánaiste and Minister for Defence, Micheál Martin TD, said, “experience has shown that Ireland’s previous participation in EU Battlegroups has enhanced the Defence Forces’ ability to work with other nations in a multinational environment and has served to enhance the Defence Forces reputation as a provider of a credible military capability for peacekeeping operations. Moreover, the Defence Forces participation in Battlegroups supports Ireland’s efforts in securing partners for UN blue hat operations due to the close civil and military relationships built through our participation.”
It is anticipated that the total number of the proposed Defence Forces contribution to the Battlegroup will be 174 personnel, largely comprised of a Mechanised Infantry Company together with a National Support Element.
The Army is organised on conventional military lines providing a sufficiently flexible structure to carry out all the roles assigned by Government. The Army is a standing force and provides the primary capabilities for joint military operations at home and combined military Peace Support Operations abroad.
In addition to Germany, which will lead the Battlegroup, other participating members will include Austria, Croatia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Sweden.
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