Gardai & RSA Issue Severe Weather Warning For Motorists Not To Make Any Unnecessary Journeys

Many roads across Ireland remain \”treacherous\” and \”impassable\” today due to Storm Emma striking the country.
Both the Gardai and the Road Safety Authority (RSA) have issued severe weather warnings for motorists not to make any unnecessary journeys in light of recent events.
A Gardai spokesperson said:
\”Gardaí are asking motorists to avoid unnecessary journeys. Many roads remain impassable and local authorities are prioritising national routes. If you must travel and become stuck, contact emergencies services.\”
Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the RSA said:
\”The Road Safety Authority (RSA) is advising road users not to make any unnecessary journeys in areas badly affected by the recent snowfall as roads are treacherous, and some impassable in many parts of the country today.
\”Where travel is absolutely unavoidable road users should check local conditions and traffic reports before considering making any journey.\”
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