Essential Chernobyl Shield is delayed


Political tensions in Ukraine have put doubts over the construction of a contamination shield at the chernobyl nuclear power plant.  The 1.5 billion building was due to be installed by October 2015 but it\’s now looking at a delay of up to two years according to Irish aid agency Chernobyl Children International. Adi Roche, CEO of CCI, said the situation at the reactor at the moment is that of a “ticking timebomb”.

The main purpose of the shield is to provide a a safe barrier to the reactor, preventing any further leakage. The original explosion occurred on the 26th April 1986 and is considered the world worst nuclear disaster. The explosion was the result of only 3% of the radioactive material being released and affected more than 7 million people.

A temporary shield was placed around the reactor to limit any further release at the time but it\’s deterioration lead to a signed agreement between the G7 group of nations and the EU to replace this with a permanent  structure. Part of the agreement included Ukraine paying 45 million towards the new structure and Russia to give 15 million.

Roche believes Russia has gone back on it\’s pledge and Ukrainian politician Valerii Kalchenko also felt that it was “hugely uncertain” if Russia will honour it\’s agreement. Despite the finanicial commitments of numerous countries. Ireland has given €8 million, the United States €182 million, Germany €60 million and the United Kingdom €53 million. Saturday the 28th of April will Mark the 28th anniversary of the disaster.


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