Monday, 16 September, 2024
IMO Calls for Urgent Action to Tackle Threat of Social Media Companies to Health of Young People
Over €6bn required to meet Government commitments on public hospital capacity and reduce waiting lists – IHCA
Minister for Health brings law to Ban the Sale of Tobacco and Nicotine-Inhaling Products by Self-Service
Government Announces €10 Million in Funding for Mental Health Services
Minister for Health publishes ‘Digital for Care: A Digital Health Framework for Ireland 2024-2030\’
Sláintecare Targets will Remain out of Reach without accelerated Capacity Expansion, say Consultants
Chief Nursing Officer Launches Strategy for the Office of the Chief Nursing Officer 2024-2026
Unprecedented Demand for Diagnostic Scans as 260,000 People on Waiting Lists
Ministers and Chief Medical Officer launch the Irish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) 2022 Study
New Milestone in Development of Regional Elective Hospitals in Cork and Galway
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