Launch of the Defence Forces Professional Military Education Strategy 2021–2024


Minister for Defence and Foreign Affairs, Simon Coveney, T.D., attended the Launch of the Defence Forces Professional Military Education Strategy 2021–2024 at McKee Barracks, Dublin on Wednesday 14th July 2021.

The aim of the strategy is to develop and maintain military capability by building on existing Professional Military Education supports. The strategy will be implemented over the next three years and incorporated into the annual Defence Forces Training and Education Directive.

The Minister welcomed the publication of the strategy, noting, “the existing training and education supports in place have served the members of the Defence Forces well. While this is the first formal strategy of its kind published by the Defence Forces, it builds on the Professional Military Education framework previously developed for Officer Ranks, as well as the annual Training and Education Directive. The strategy will enhance the delivery of professional development into the future and ensure that training resources continue to be utilised to the fullest extent possible”.

He went on to say, “I look forward to seeing the results of this strategy over the coming years and I am confident that it will assist in ensuring that the Defence Forces attract, develop and retain high quality personnel. This in turn underpins the capacity of the Defence Forces to fulfil the roles assigned by Government”.

The Chief of Staff of the Defence Forces, Vice Admiral Mark Mellett, concluded, \”I welcome the publication of this Professional Military Education and Training Strategy 2021 – 2024 and look forward to witnessing the positive effects of its implementation on the maintenance and development of military capability, but most importantly on the opportunity it offers our soldiers, sailors and airmen / women to fulfil their maximum potential.\”

\”As a military organisation, we understand that there are balances to be struck between the equally competing demands and challenges of being a warrior, a scholar and a diplomat in all that we do.\”

The development of a Professional Military Education Strategy for all ranks of the Defence Forces was one of 15 projects in the High Level Implementation Plan arising from the publication of the third report of the Public Service Pay Commission on Recruitment and Retention in the Defence Forces. These projects, many of which have been completed or are at an advanced stage of completion, are designed to progress a comprehensive range of initiatives to address the issues identified by the Public Service Pay Commission.

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